Short Bio
Artist and a shaman practitioner!
The art that I create is mostly speaking from my soul. Sometimes I like to recreate art from other artists for myself or others.
I usually use acrylic paint as a base coat. Sometimes I add objects on my paintings which I usually find in nature, like stones, branches, moss, etc.
I love to paint with oil paint too, but it's a longer process for which I don't have the time to focus on right now...
My last paintings are done intuitively and I'm planning to keep it that way.
Besides doing the art in an old school type of way, I also like to create digital art with different kind of apps.
Gorana is a playful soul, who is inspired by her imagination.
Her name means mountain woman or forest woman. In latin her name would be Silvia (lat. silva).
She is always thinking, and she likes to say that that is her main job!
Being inspired by her imagination and/or dreams, she is always inside of her head! Probably you can also catch her being grounded in the nature, but always in her wolf hermit mode… she really loves all things connected to magic and nature!
She loves animals and is a friend to many different species of animals, who live with her and her family.
Besides doing what she loves the most, which is creating artsy craftsy stuff, she also loves to write poetry, short stories and is also preparing many ideas for books in the coming future!
Gorana’s life wasn't always easy and almost never simple, but like a Phoenix she rose from the ashes, dusted herself off and left the past behind, then started loving herself while being more compassionate towards others. After a while she again lost herself in a loop of the past but yet again got back faster to her souls calling right!
To be continued...